Here is my long overdue picture update of the front garden. I am amazed at how much it has filled in since my last picture. I guess since I see it every day I don't notice it as much. The impatiens are doing wonderfully - they have all spread to the size of dinner plates. No big surprise, but these are definitely the right annuals to fill in for this garden.
I made several additions with the plants Mama and Helen picked out for me. This is the driveway side of the garden. This side is primarily annuals at this point, so I added a few perennials to it.These are the plants I added, plus a nice close up of the caladium. In the center is the ladies mantle (alchemilla vulgaris - mollis). At the top of the picture are the two pasque flowers (pulsatilla vulgaris - anemone pulsatilla).
I only added one new plant to the section closest to the house - pictured below. The impatiens seem to do the best here. My guacamole hosta is going crazy with new leaves - it is just visible on the edge of the photo. In the center you can see the "big blue" lilyturf (liriope muscari) which is supposed to have purple lavendar like flowers in the fall. I added it a few weeks back because I wanted something grassy looking on this side.
This is a close up of the flower Mama and Helen gave me. It didn't have any ID with is so I have no idea what it is.
I made several additions to the main part of the garden shown here.
First, I moved over one of my impatiens to make room for another coral bells (heuchera -marvelous marble). The two coral bells I already have are probably my favorite plants in the garden, so I am happy to have another.Crammed in between these impatiens is the other ladies mantle. This is another big space that is filled in with impatiens, so I hope it will fill out this area a bit next year.
This cranesbill pink geranium (geranium sanguineum) is also kind of crammed in between the impatiens for the same reason - to fill in this area next year.
I planted all of the columbine (aquilegia) together, kind of hidden a bit right now. There are three different types- music yellow, music pink and white, and oragami pink and white. They look a little sad right now, so I didn't put them in a prominent place. I can always move them if I need to.
My favorite addition is the irish or scotch moss (sagina subulata) and forget-me-not (myosotis - m. rupicola) I planted around the stone. I really like the way it looks.
Here is a close-up:Finally, the sun plants are doing well on my deck. The veggies are flowering, I have the start of my first pepper, and the flower are all blooming.
The elephant ears Mama gave me have doubled in size in the last week. I guess they like it here.
I'm rather pleased with the combination pots I planted too. I think they have filled out well.