Things have been doing really well, but we are expecting a late season snowstorm tonight. Sloppy, wet snow. I'm worried about what it will do to all my plants. So here are some before pictures. I put a dum-dum lolly pop next to each so you can get a sense of the size of each plant.
The whole garden:
Blue angel hosta:
American sweetheart hosta:
Sum and substance hosta:
Regal splendor hosta:
Kimbotan hosta:
Mouse ears hosta:
Bitsy gold hosta:
#1 of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag:
#2 of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag:
#3 of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag:
#4 of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag (#5 did not survive - it was dug up by an animal):
Great expectations hosta, which I think is actually two hostas that are stuck together. One half (not leafed out yet) looks like Great Expectations, one half does not.
Hadspen blue hosta:
And another that I don't have the name of that I think might also be Hadspen blue:
Guacamole hosta:
Empress Wu hosta:
Paul's Glory hosta - doesn't seem to have minded the move last year:
Lakeside shoremaster hosta:
Jewel of the Nile hosta just coming out, burried in the forget-me-nots:
Some hosta's Mama gave me from her garden:
My four Heucheras. I only know the official name of Heuchera caramel, which has gotten a lot brighter since the last pic:
The rest I don't know the names of. Heuchera #2:
Heuchera #3:
Heuchera #4:
Forget -me-nots in full bloom:
Japanese painted fern and some others:
View from the street. You can see the Japanese irises, maidenhair fern and the ladies mantle: