Sunday, 22 April 2012

April 22, 2012: Expecting snow(!!) tonight

Things have been doing really well, but we are expecting a late season snowstorm tonight. Sloppy, wet snow. I'm worried about what it will do to all my plants. So here are some before pictures. I put a dum-dum lolly pop next to each so you can get a sense of the size of each plant. 
The whole garden:
Blue angel hosta:
American sweetheart hosta:
Sum and substance hosta:
Regal splendor hosta:
Kimbotan hosta:
Mouse ears hosta:
Bitsy gold hosta: 
#1 of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag:
#2 of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag:
#3 of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag:
#4 of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag (#5 did not survive - it was dug up by an animal):
Great expectations hosta, which I think is actually two hostas that are stuck together. One half (not leafed out yet) looks like Great Expectations, one half does not.
Hadspen blue hosta:
And another that I don't have the name of that I think might also be Hadspen blue:
Guacamole hosta:
Empress Wu hosta:
Paul's Glory hosta - doesn't seem to have minded the move last year:
Lakeside shoremaster hosta:
Jewel of the Nile hosta just coming out, burried in the forget-me-nots:
Some hosta's Mama gave me from her garden:
My four Heucheras. I only know the official name of Heuchera caramel, which has gotten a lot brighter since the last pic:
The rest I don't know the names of.  Heuchera #2:
Heuchera #3:
Heuchera #4:
Forget -me-nots in full bloom:
Japanese painted fern and some others:

 View from the street. You can see the Japanese irises, maidenhair fern and the ladies mantle:

Friday, 13 April 2012

April 13, 2012: Pansies and not much else

Last weekend Mama helped me plant a flat of pansies to add a little color while the garden filled out. All the perennials had been going like gangbusters, but it has been colder for the last week or so, so they haven't changed at all this week. Still, you can see some change since the last photos. 
A close-up of some pansies. We also moved the hosta Great Expectations a foot or so over so it would be in a less crowded area. 
 The forget-me-nots are in full bloom:

Monday, 2 April 2012

April 2, 2012: First garden pictures of the year

The garden doesn't really look impressive yet, but there is A LOT going on. I cleaned off the leaves and mulch two weeks ago, and things are coming up really quickly. I'm including tons of pictures here. The whole garden:
 Blue angel hosta:
 American sweetheart hosta:
 Sum and substance hosta:
 Regal splendor hosta:
 Kimbotan hosta (hard to tell, but it is tiny):
 Mouse ears hosta:
 Heuchera (don't know the name):
 One of my 5 "mystery" hostas from the grab bag:
 Bitsy gold hosta:
 Guacamole hosta:
 Corner of the garden - shows my climbing hydrangia, several ferns, the goat's beard, and the ginger doing well. You can't really see, but 3 of the 5 "mystery hostas" are also coming up in the center section.
 Empress Wu hosta (should be BIG!):
 Paul's Glory hosta - doesn't seem to have minded the move last year:
 Several ferns, irish moss, another heuchera, and the first shoots from Hadspen Blue hosta:
 Forget -me-nots:
 Lady's mantle coming up:
 Heuchera caramel:
 View from the street. You can see the Japanese irises, and some other hostas that I don't have names for.