Monday, 11 June 2012

June 11, 2012: Planted annuals in front garden

I had kind of neglected the front garden -weeding wise - because I figured I'd weed when I planted my annuals. So the weeds got pretty out of control. 

BEFORE weeding and planting:
 Not as bad on the shady side of the garden:
Weeds! And my flats of orange impatiens and coleus waiting to be planted.
AFTER weeding and planting:
 Coleus planted between the hostas with impatiens around on the border:
Impatients and coleus added in all the empty spots. I really like the "pop" that the orange flowers bring to the garden.
I also moved one of my heucheras that was not doing that well (light green with pink border) next to the one that was doing very well. I hope it will thrive like the other one does in this spot.