Saturday, 18 June 2011

June 18, 2011: Good and bad news

Well, the good news is that my mail-order hostas finally arrived and I got them in the ground. The bad news is, while I was away in CO, I forgot to tell Dan to water the plants and the rhododendron seems to have completely died. Here is the view of the whole garden:
My biggest hosta is blooming - 4 stalks covered in white, fragrant flowers. It is really pretty. 
Here are the new hostas - almost all are starters or "mature divisions," so they don't have many leaves or look too impressive right now. I plan to buy more annuals to fill in around them so the garden doesn't look so sparse. This is my new hosta for the left front corner of the garden - Jewel of the Nile.

 This is a mature division of Sum and Substance (with the mostly dead rhododendron behind). I was warned that this hosta will get huge - which is exactly what I want for this part of the garden. It should be really impressive next year.
 On the other end of the scale - Blue Mouse Ears. This hosta was free with my order. The leaves are about the size of thumb prints - it is SO cute!
 I thought this was a really unique and interesting looking hosta - Bitsy Gold. It is quite small, quite yellow, and has very narrow leaves.
 Continuing my love of blue hostas, I got this "Hadspen Blue" to go near the foot path.
 I planted "Empress Wu" under the tree. It isn't very big yet, but it will get HUGE.
 And I got a coral bells - Heuchera Caramel. I hope the color will be a nice contrast in the garden.
 Finally, I had TONS of impatiens seed from last year. I'm going to thin/transplant them all around the garden. I also still need to get some coleus for color, height, and to fill in the bare spots.
Finally, I bought a nice large, pretty pot and repotted my elephant ears in it. If they grow big I think they will look fantastic!

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